Master theses
Every year, we invite Master students from the RMA and other universities to conduct research-oriented theses in our facilities. We welcome motivated students willing to work on all topics related to 3D perception: sensor modelling, sensor fusion, sensor calibration, state estimation, localization and mapping, optimization and data visualization.
Thesis proposals
We will update this section with open thesis proposals soon.
Past master theses
De Decker, B.; Simulteaneous Localization and Object Detection, 2019-2020, Royal Military Academy
Beerten, P.; Solving Bundle Adjustment for Multi-Agent SLAM; 2022-2023; Royal Military Academy
Montbailleu, M.; Multi-Agent Path Planning for Full Coverage in Mapping Applications; 2022-2023; Royal Military Academy
Laby, N.; Loosely-coupled LiDAR-visual-inertial odometry; 2023-2024; Royal Military Academy
Van der Vorst, Q.; Visible-Infrared Visual-Inertial odometry; 2023-2024; Royal Military Academy
Adriaens, R.; Multi-Agent SLAM, 2020-2021, Ghent University
Maes, T.; Person Detection in Challenging Conditions with RGB-thermal cameras, 2020-2021, Ghent University
Van Leemput, W.; Monocular visual odometry with dense optical flow, 2020-2021, Ghent University
Antson, L.; Detection and Tracking Using VNIR-SWIR Hyperspectral Imaging Under Hindered Light Conditions, 2021-2022, Ghent University
De Waele, L.; 3D State Estimation and Prediction for Surface Vessels Using Sensor Fusion, Ghent University, 2021-2022
De Cleyn, E.; Direct and Feature-based Stereo-Inertial SLAM, Université Catholique de Louvain, 2024-2025